Alexis and Manuel at the Hart House


I met Alexis and Manuel for the first time at their engagement session, which is unusual for me. I meet almost all my clients before they book me, I will take them out for drinks or coffee and we really get to know each other. Even though I didn't get to meet Alexis and Manuel before we decided to work together, they were so easy-going and comfortable with me that it felt like we had already gotten to know one another. We spent an early Sunday morning walking around the University of Toronto, where they both went to school. I always like it when couples choose meaningful places to do their engagement sessions. We wandered the Hart House, grabbed coffee, and really just had a fun time talking and taking photos. 

Toronto Intimate wedding photographer ryanne hollies photography cn tower toronto icon
Toronto Intimate wedding photographer ryanne hollies photography hart house engagement photos
Ryanne Hollies Photography and Wedding Album Designs Custom
Ryanne Hollies Photography and Custom Wedding Album Design
toronto wedding photographer ryanne hollies engagement session at University of Toronto Campus Hart House
Ryanne Hollies Photography and Wedding Album Design Toronto Ontario engagement session